Saturday 17 July 2010

Rob Zombie's Bigfoot - A Graphic Graphic Novel

Bigfoot - The big hairy guy that's supposedly one with nature; a kind and caring creature. Often represented as being a shy and timid beast with only one problem: that's just too damn boring! No one cares about love-giving, tree-hugging yetis with flowers in their hair. Nope. Everyone prefers the flesh-eating, brain-smashing, rib-cracking, human-killing, psychotic-son-of-a-hairy-bitch beast from Hell that lurks in the darkness of the woods ready to rip any and every man, woman and child apart and feast on their steaming innards. 

Or maybe that's just me. 

Well if, like me, you prefer you Sasqatch scary then this extremely graphic graphic novel is right up your alley! Created by Rob Zombie (a man best known for his admiration of horror films, his music and his own films - less said about his Halloween remakes the better), Steve Niles (a king among graphic novels with work including 30 Days Of Night, Criminal Macabre and 28 Days Later: The Aftermath) and Richard Corben (the creator of many of the awesome Meatloaf CD artwork and Heavy Metal) this comic is a must for fans of Bigfoot horror.

The plot of these (a total of four comics)  is very straight forward and doesn't provide the Sasquatch Horror 'genre' with too much that is new; except of course a crazy body count and quite a bit of sex, typical of a RZ film. It tells the story of a psycho Bigfoot that bursts into a cabin and kill a young boys mother and father in front of his eyes. A few years later the boy (now a man!) is back in the town...and so is Bigfoot who's mighty pissed off.  Like most yeti films, there's a large portion of 'Bigfoot? There's no such thing!" dialogue followed by the characters realising they're wrong and going off to kick some hairy ass. Only difference is, as previously mentioned, is the body count. Often characters are brought into the story merely to stack up the pile of bodies. They're literally in it for just afew frames before they're killed off!

So if you want some with plenty of death, check this one out. It's not the best graphic novel I've ever read - a long way from it in fact, but the artwork is brilliant as is the writing (watch out for a couple of references too). So if you can find these cheap, be sure to pick them up. There's not too many Bigfoot horror stories, let alone graphic novels. I'd recommend it - a very quick read, but a very enjoyable one nevertheless.

 There's been quite a few rumours regarding ol' Zombie making this into a film. If this does go ahead then I'm pretty sure we can see a big boom in Bigfoot films in the future. Here's hoping.


ZedWord said...

Thinks makes me want to go on a Bigfoot horror movie marathon

Freak said...

ZedWord!!!!! Thanks for the comment dude! :)

I've been going on a bit of a sasquatch spree at the moment - makes a nice little break from all the zombies. I;m thinking a yeti/zombie film would be amazing!

Freak said...

Oh and everyone should check out the ZedWord blog - easily one of the best zombie sites on the web.