Friday 3 September 2010

Spider: 1 Man With Flamethrower: 0.

Here's a very strange story for all you freaks out there, regarding a spider and a total idiot! Spiders. Most people hate those eight legged freaks. But what if one of them scurries about in your bathroom. What do you do? Reach for the rolled up newspaper? Or do the 'humane' thing (whatever that means) and rescue the poor bug's life? Well, if your name is Christopher Robinson and your married to a certain Janine then there's only one thing you can do. Burn it to death! Or, more accurately, FAIL at burning it to death.

On the last Monday of August in the quiet Clacton-On-sea, the petrified Janine instructed the 28-year old Christopher to get rid of the incy wincy spider that was running wild and causing all sorts of heinous crimes (!) in their bathroom. After FAILing to flush it out with a toilet brush, Christopher decided the only logical way to get rid of the creep was to suffocate it to death. He grabbed the nearest (highly flammable) aerosol can and smufered it with the sweet smell of spray. Just his luck that the light bulb blew at that exact moment. Without a thought, Christopher grabbed his lighter to shine some light on the situation and, yep you guessed it, kaboom! A fireball burst out and threw Christopher flying out of the bathroom and smashed it's way into the loft.  Christopher received burns to his legs, arms and face and a certificate for being an utter plonker.

The firemen supplied the punchline; "‘We’re not entirely sure whether the spider got away or not – but there was no sign of it.’"

For more info here's an article from The Mirror

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