Tuesday 29 June 2010

What The Hell Is This Blog?!

First off...

Ladies, gentlemen, those in between and the not quite human, welcome to the Circus Of The Freaky! I'm your ringleader; The Freak (or, if you like, Kyle).

So what the hell is this blog about? Good question. Basically, this blog is for ALL things freaky, odd, strange, weird and WTF?! Every day (hopefully at least) I shall crawl out of my dungeon and post up a few stories. These will include the latest WTF news stories, old phenomena, unsolved mysteries, mind-boggling scientific breakthroughs, reviews of weird and horrific films/music/books/games. You get the jist.

So, stop picking those puss-filled boils with your extra fingers and enter the Circus of the Freaky. Make yourself at home, pull up a coffin. Igor, go put on the kettle. Our guests have arrived - we've been expecting you.


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