Wednesday 7 July 2010

Zombie News!

Here at Circus of the Freaky, I aim to bring to you not only reviews of freaky horror films, weird news stories, unexplained mysteries and other such paranormal hoohar but also the latest in (awesome) zombie news. So every now and then, I, the Freak, shall post a couple of links to the best and newest zombie material. Enjoy!

To kick start it all off....

Everyone's heard about the Orson Welles radio broadcast of War Of The Worlds which caused wide-spread panic across America. What with the recent popularity of zombies it wasn't long before there was a zombie version of this radio broadcast (not to mention the War Of The Worlds Plus Blood, Guts And Zombies book) which was entitled Zombie Influx. This CD presented itself as a real life radio broadcast of a zombie outbreak complete with sound effects and great music. Check out the site here for more information. Now, another one has come along and it goes by the name of The Zombie Cookbook. A CD very similar to Zombie Influx but with a focus more on Metal (music). Click this link to listen to a few tracks.


Everyone who is anyone in the field of zombie fandom has played Left 4 Dead (1 & 2). There's no two ways about it. That's just the way it is. And for those who have the PC version, well another brilliant Mod has been release. A Mod that allows the player/s to fight hordes of flesh-eating, screaming zombies in the world of Indiana Jones. I present to you: Indiana Jones And The Temple Of The Zombies! The link here allows you to download the Mod for free! Oh yeah!

And next...

Fancy yourself as a bit of a writer? Enjoy zombie stories? Then check out this! It's an upcoming zombie anthology (yes, ANOTHER one) but this one's Christmas themed! And what's more they're looking for zombie stories. So, send in your short zombie stories and your work may very well be published! AND it's all in the name of charity! Excellent!

And Finally...

Colouring books. You must've had one as a kid. But now you're too old to have one? Right? Wrong! The guys over at Zombies And Toys have released an adult colouring book full of incredibly gory zombie pictures! So, grab the crayons and start filling in the gaps. But whatever you do, DON'T GO OVER THE LINES!

The book goes by the name of Shades Of Decay and can be found here!

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